Monday, April 18, 2011

Q & A

Q: On my 16th birthday, how would I feel about being to have surgery to become pretty?

A: I would be like hell no. I don't think I'm the most ugly person in the world, and I don't feel like I look like troll that should be living under a rock somewhere where the population of people is a cold 0. I do not like the thought of being like everybody else, I do not want to be a barbie doll. I want to be me, and I sure as hell don't want people cutting me open ripping my skin away grinding my bones and muscles to be perfect or whatever. I'm sorry But that does not sound like fun.

Q: What would I do if Hana asked me not to have the surgery?

A: Ummm duh? I would be like "cool man lets blow this joint and go get some food from Phat Burger and a donut." And we would go about our merry way.

I mean seriously people take this fantasy of being perfect WAY to seriously like come on people, give yourself a good ass dose of SELF ESTEEM!!! Get over this little fantasy o being perfect cause you never will be cause no one ever was, and no one will ever be perfect. I'd like to think of myself as 'Perfectly Imperfect' sure I have somethings I'd like to change about myself but I wouldn't wanna be anybody else but me cause I also have things that I really like about myself too. I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me.

1 comment:

  1. The first line is supposed to say 'being forced' SORRY!
