Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lighting, Thunder, & Rain

I love the rain.

I love to listen to the sounds it makes. The ticking of it softly knocking on your window, or your roof. It's almost like an invitation

We had a lot of rain, and when I say a lot I mean you could have gone swimming in the puddles that became rivers, and that almost became an ocean. I was about ready to start building an arc and go to the zoo to steal some animals. But as long as I could still see the grass I held off on that, then Big Guns Upstairs relaxed and it stopped for a little while. Please understand when I say that it only stopped for a little while. It started up again and it was a lot more than before. I kinda enjoyed it.

I love seeing that huge flash of white and the excitement that comes after, waiting for the huge BOOM that comes next.

But unfortunately, even though I was enjoying the show.

Bailey most certainly wasn't.

The poor thing almost had a heartattack! It was kinda funny a little bit, (I know I'm a bad mom) watching her run around like she was trying to outrun the flashes of lighting. I got my karma for thinking it was funny, I was holding her and carrying her into my room with me when this HUGE BOOM of thunder blasted out of no where. Well she jumped and tore up my arm in the process, I guess it was fair though. Now she can laugh at me.

One of the things I was NOT happy about, was when it HAILED!!! Why?! Why couldn't have been a simple Thunder and rain storm? Not a flipping hail storm! That kinda ruined the whole thing.

But overall I did enjoy watching and listening to the lighting thunder, and rain. Rain is one of my favorite kinds of music.

I took some pics when it was coming down really hard ↓:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Q & A

Q: On my 16th birthday, how would I feel about being to have surgery to become pretty?

A: I would be like hell no. I don't think I'm the most ugly person in the world, and I don't feel like I look like troll that should be living under a rock somewhere where the population of people is a cold 0. I do not like the thought of being like everybody else, I do not want to be a barbie doll. I want to be me, and I sure as hell don't want people cutting me open ripping my skin away grinding my bones and muscles to be perfect or whatever. I'm sorry But that does not sound like fun.

Q: What would I do if Hana asked me not to have the surgery?

A: Ummm duh? I would be like "cool man lets blow this joint and go get some food from Phat Burger and a donut." And we would go about our merry way.

I mean seriously people take this fantasy of being perfect WAY to seriously like come on people, give yourself a good ass dose of SELF ESTEEM!!! Get over this little fantasy o being perfect cause you never will be cause no one ever was, and no one will ever be perfect. I'd like to think of myself as 'Perfectly Imperfect' sure I have somethings I'd like to change about myself but I wouldn't wanna be anybody else but me cause I also have things that I really like about myself too. I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Library Card

Haha, yes! I finally got one and I'm excited about it! I love having a library card again it's so cool the way things work now, I already got a couple things. I got four movies: Death at a Funeral, Scary Movie 4, Paranormal Actvity 2, and Resident Evil Afterlife. I got some books too don't worry I got: Beastly by: Alex Finn, Uglies by: Scott Westerfeld, and Wintergirls by: Laurie Halse Anderson. So I'll be pretty busy with all that, I seriously swear that I'm a kid in a candy store when it comes to books. There's this scanner thing for the cards to look for movies and games and stuff and you scan your card to get your movies out and to check out your books. I could not get the stupid thing to scan my card! Then Michele came over and did no problem, twice... So I was like well great I feel brilliant, Albert Eeinstein is in the building, not. Anyway after like 5 minutes of standing there trying to get this thing to like me and scan my card, I did it! Booyah I'm awesome. I'm gonna be here a lot more with Hana cause now we both have a card and maybe I can rub off on her and get her to read a little bit more. It'll be hard work but nothing is impossibe. I'm gonna go and read my books, watch my movies, and listen to my music...and do my homework. Peace!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baby Gorgeous

My Baby Gorgeous is my little brother Gage and to him I'm Sisa, he's six years of age and extremely smart. Lately he's been a little tape recorder, I was talking to my Nana's cat Cody who has breath that could kill a moose and every time I go anywhere near him he yawns a mad big yawn, every time! I think he does it on purpose, anyway he was coming towards me and I didn't want him to yawn up in my face so I said: "Go away fatty!" Gage was sitting next to me and after I said that he said "Go away" clear as a bell and I looked at him for a second and I was like "copycat." Then another day when our Nana was trying to wipe off his face after breakfast he wanted to go to his playroom and watch his show, but apparently she wasn't going fast enough for him so he kept saying "Come on, Come on!" Then all of a sudden he goes "Damnit!" I about fell over. It was SO funny oh my God I almost died and he got that from Nana cause she says that a lot and she was like "I guess I need to be more careful around him." It was so funny I had to get up and go where he couldn't see me so I could finish laughing my ass off without him seeing me. We don't wanna him saying any bad words so that's why I had to leave cause I was sitting there trying not to laugh and me holding it in- well trying to anyway made me sound like a dying donkey. Gage is very smart and he works hard everyday, and he's always got this big smile on his face, unless you take to long to clean his face then he will make it apparent to you that he's annoyed. He has to wear braces on his legs up to his knees because he has poor muscle control and that's why he doesn't talk as well as he should. I seriously almost forgot to mention that he has down syndrome but that doesn't matter to me at all I would never change him cause he's perfect the way he is, flaws and all. Which I like to call: Perfectly Imperfect. He's a happy little boy and I love him very much.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"The popo are commin"

That's the text I got from my best friend Hana last night.

"Are you serious? What happened?!

That was my reply

Even before she had answered me I already had a pretty good idea of what was going on. I knew because Hana and I were on the phone together for like an hour around like 6ish I think it was, but whatever the time it doesn't matter cause the convo was funny and it was fun like it always is with us. Before I get into the crap section of where this story is going I'll tell you one of my favorite parts of the conversation, we were talking and the all of a sudden she cuts off in the middle of what she was saying and was quiet for like second. Then she goes: "The ice cream truck is like right outside my house!" Then I hear her running and I know she's running out to get ice cream so I was like: "Run Hunu, (my nickname for her) Run like the wind!" This is my favorite part, okay then she goes: "I am, ya whore!" Now don't freak cause we call each other names cause we can it's a free country, plus it sounded way funnier cause she is from Long Island so she sorta has an accent when she says certain things. It was so funny, I almost died. Then she was outside and the other kids we hang with, her brothers Gabe, Anthony, "Jay" he's not really her brother but she calls him that sometimes (he's a pain in my ass) and some other kids. Anyway she was in the B-Ball court with them talking to me when the whores of the complex decided they wanted to start shit. These skanks are Odyssey, Andrea, Victoria, and Brianna. They are the complete whores of Heritage. They have done WAY more shit than what I'm gonna tell you in this blog but this is what happened last night.

While Hana was in the B-Ball court, the anorexic whore Victoria came over and started to hit Anthony  that's when Hana said she'd call me back later. This is what happened after we hung up. Hana started screaming at Victoria they were going back and forth calling eacthother every name in the book like six times, Odyssey had put dog shit in front Of Anthony's house and everyone was screaming. Then Kristina (Anthony's mom) called the cops. Then the cops came and did the cop routine, you know like "you just gotta ignore them" and blah blah blah. What the hell did she think we've been doing?! It doesn't work cause they're stupid as hell. I know it's not much detail but I wasn't there and it was hard getting all the details from Hana last night, for the obvious reasons. This isn't the first time and I know it won't be the last.

That's why my WHOLE ENTIRE DAY sucked to no end. Peace out.

Stranger Danger

When is life gonna decide to give us a break and be easy a smooth sailing?


Yesterday was an all around crap day for me, and for Hana and a lot of other people. First off my day started off with living on almost no sleep whatsoever, but that's okay in a way cause I'm kinda used to that hence the name of my blog. But having so sleep then dealing with the crap that was thrown in my face was seriously a recipie for disaster. So after forcing myself out of bed I got ready and went to the librabry to work with Michelle, all we did was math. That sucked but that didn't really ruin my day, then at 11 Michelle left to go meet with other students like she usually does. Then when she was gone I moved to a different table away from people so I could just hang out on my computer. This is when the big wave of 'I'm here to ruin Alyssa's day' came and bitched slapped me in the face. I felt like I was on a fail friggin' island of suck.


Cause when I was sitting there minding my own buisness, this asshole comes up and sits at my table, and these are small tables and this was a BIG dude. So I felt like he was basically sitting like right on top of me. So right away I was seriously uncomfortable and I was getting up and packing my stuff. All the while he's talking to me, well trying to talk to me anyway I was straight up ignoring him, I was giving him nothing to go on. But still this creep wouldn't let up and go away, right when I was about done putting my stuff away this asshat decides to bump my arm, you know like when you're talking to someone and they bump as like a friendly gesture kind of thing. When he did this I about lost my mind I wanted to take his face and slam it against the wall, and I wanted to tear his face off. How dare he touch me. But I didn't, I just wanted to be out of that library and get some fresh air cause he smelled like weed beer B.O and something else but I don't know what it was making me sick to my stomach. When I got outside I looked behind me and didn't see him so I was calmer and I felt better I went over and sat on the bench and started to read my book called The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime, it's a pretty good book, I'll blog about it when I'm done with it which shouldn't be to long now. Anyway when I sat down I called my Nana and said I wanted to come home, but she said that Frankie couldn't come and get me right away. I said fine whatever and told her to call me when Frankie was gonna come and get me. Then we hung up and I started to look up again. I heard someone walking towards me I looked up and it was him, my heart jumped into my throat and I was furious that he was following me. He sat down on the bench and I still didn't say anything I just got up and stared walking away. I wanted to be as far away from him and that library, I called my Nana again and said that I wanted, no needed to come home now and we fought and she was saying that there was nothing she could do cause Frankie wouldn't be able to come and get me for 40 minutes. When she said that I was SO pissed cause I was saying I needed to come home. I didn't tell her about the dude cause I didn't know if he was following behind me, and I didn't wanna look behind me to see cause if he was I didn't wanna make eye contact with him. So after a few minutes of going back forth about the same thing I was fed up and said: "Fine I'll fricking walk home then!" I hung up the phone and started walking again in a random direction, she called me and said Frankie would be here in five minutes and to go back to the library. I didn't want to turn around and go back cause I didn't know where he was. But I wanted to be home so I walked over and Frankie was there when I got back, I almost ran to his car.

Today I came back with my Nana and she told the people what he looked like cause I don't wanna talk to anyone. Now I'm here writing this blog cause I like to blog when I'm upset, and because it was homework that I didn't have the chance to do cause of him. I'm putting up another blog about what happened the rest of the day look for it. Peace.