Thursday, February 10, 2011


What is normal?

Can anyone tell me what it means?

No I mean really define what it means.

Didn't think so.

You wanna know why you can't? Cause "normal" is an illusion. People made up this illusion up to physc people into acting, dressing, talking, and being a certain way. And if god forbid you didn't act or dress or meet up with these expectations that "normal" has, then you would become the outcast, the nerd, the freak, etc. Some people think they know what normal is, but they don't cause it doesn't exist, or they go along with it so they fit in with what people think is "right".  The pressure's on, or so people think, they don't need to go along with this nonsense, you really don't. Break free from all this crap and be yourself, and if your so called "friends" don't like it then there not your true friends, and you leave and find peeps that like you for you. I know how tiring it can be putting on a fake smile, not saying what you really want to, and quite frankly it's bullshit. So I said too bad to those people who didn't except me for me when I finally saw through this crap and got the hell out, so I said to them "you know guys, one day maybe tomorrow or next week or maybe not even for 10 years, or maybe not even until your on your deathbed. When that time comes, you all are gonna look back and regret what your doing, no letting yourself be you, you honestly will. Then your going to sit alone without any of your so called "besties" with you cause you guys were never honest to each other, or even to yourselves. Your never gonna have any real memories, cause it's all lies, and your gonna wish like you never did in your life that you were yourselves, had some some real good times, laughs, jokes, relationships instead of this bullshit front you put up to please everyone but yourself, and i feel sorry for you all. They laughed in my face and said some things, but that's okay, one day they'll see. I happen to be one of the farthest things from "normal" and I totally embrace it, ask anyone close to me they'll tell you, and honestly it's way more fun this way. So girls, stop getting fake tans that make you look like you've just rolled in a bag of Doritos, stop putting on layers and layers of makeup on let your real face see the light of day, and PLEASE stop sticking your chest up and out when your trying to make a point, its obnoxious. Stop wearing clothes that barley cover you, I don't like feeling like I'm being flashed everytime I look at you. For the dudes, please stop wearing your pants around you ankles thinking that it's cool, it's not it looks ridiculous and you waddle and you could very much be making people late to class with your "sir swagga waddle/walk". Don't be rude to a girl you like, it doesn't make you look cool it's off putting and a serious turnoff, plus it's so second grade. Also PRETTY PLEASE stop itching your butt or family jewls, then try to make contact with us, it's seriously so friggin' gross. OH and one more thing peeps, if you could maybe at least think about stopping typing like this: "C wen I qit dha strenqth 2 leave yu Yu alwyz tel mi dhat yu need mi n I weak cuz I believe yu n i mad cuz I luv yu ! Uqh cnt take no mre dnt txt qoin 2 frickn bed </3 !" ~Source of a friend. Like seriously what does that even mean? Every time I read something like that I feel like I get dumber each time. Alright this is starting to sound preachy so I'm leaving. PEACE OUT!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hey peeps, and when I say "peeps" I mean Brian and Michelle since they are the only ones that probably give my shamazing blog the time of day, seriously. Anyway anyone who doesn't read this, it's your loss. Well by the title I bet you know what that means, I finished Happyface!!! I started it on Thursday night but didn't read much of it like only a few pages, then Friday I picked it up and finished it. Booyah. It was an awesome book, I really loved how the printing did look like a persons handwriting. I really enjoyed the pictures too, it was nice to have something to entertain the eye for once, who says your ever too old for picture books? You know whats weird? Happyface kinda reminded me of Charlie, you know from the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower. He reminded me of Charlie because their stories are so similar! They are seriously REALLY similar in some parts, have you noticed? For example: They were both pretty much nobodies, Happyface had a new start when he moved and changed schools, Charlie's changed when the new school year started. They both got a new group of friends, and they each had a girl in that group who they were totally infatuated with, but could never have. They both screwed up majorly at some point and temporarily lost all their friends and they both were all depressed about it. But they both found a way to fix it somehow, see how similar they are? Those are the few things that really popped into my mind when I was thinking about it, but throughout the entire book starting when Happyface moved I kept thinking of Charlie when I was reading. Oh another similarity they have, but not all of you can see it cause this is my opinion, they both found a way to peeve me to now friggin' end! Charlie was a crybaby, and Happyface was the town stalker, I mean come on who does that?! From the very moment he started school he stalked Grechen, if I was her I would not be friends with him, I would tell him to shove it up his ass and rotate. I'm serious, if I found out he stayed on the wrong bus to sit and stare at me and draw me, i'd be creeped the hell out like for real man! He deserves that newspaper title, The Kid in The Corner May Be Drawing You ,indeed he might. He might also be planning on ways to stalk the rest of your life. I got confused when I first found out his brother had died being drunk and driving with Chloe by the way, the girl Happyface was totally in love with, I know right that's what I said! If your confused read the book. Alright i'm done with this blog. WAIT!!! My bestfriend/sister Hana has a blog now, her name is "the green princess" I showed her how to do it and now she wants to to it. I'm such a good influence. She's over at my house right now, we were blogging together, but now we got things to do, people to see. PEACE OUT!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What the hell is that smell?!

It freaking stinks dude. Like I'm about to barf, seriously. Wait it's totally not in my house so don't be thinking that. I checked all over this place and it's not in here, I thinks it's in the hallway. It smells like someone put, like burnt chicken, mayo, ketchup, dog crap, maybe a dead person's foot, and some sweaty fat man sweat in a old air freshener can and sprayed it all over the freaking hallway outside my house. I know I'm sorry, I know that was brutal to read but at least your not smelling this crap. Oh my freaking god, if I see ONE more ExtenZe commercial I will lose my mind. I swear they got this thing on replay I've seen it like 13 times now, this can't be normal. Anyway, Michelle gave me a book to read on Friday and I finished it that night, the book was The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. It was a good book but sometimes trying to wrap your head around what this dude was saying or thinking, made me go "yo this dude needs to chill with all these big words man." Lolz just kidding I'm smarter than that. I loved how the whole entire book was written like letters to someone, and that someone was whoever was reading the book. The book was kinda weird/gross in some parts but I'm a big girl I can deal with it but you know still, sometimes someone doesn't wanna be relaxing reading a book then BAM!!! Your reading about how Charlie (the main character) discovered masturbation, and then your kinda like, "umm okay cool for you but lets not keep talking about this, please?" One more think about Charlie that kinda peeved me, he cried, a lot. See now don't get the wrong idea, I think it's great for guys to cry and stuff let it out, but Charlie did this like more then once a day and it kinda gets old after a while. If I ever had the chance to talk to him I'd be like "dude word of advice, are you listening? Okay so don't take this the wrong way, but girls normally don't like it when a dude cries more then they do. Are you understanding this? Knock that crying at the drop of a hat bussiness stuff off, kay? It's obnoxious. All with love Charlie now I gotta get going cause I'm in the middle of writing a blog, peace out." That's what I'd say, but with that aside Charlie reminds me of myself, he always got his face shoved up in a book and he writes good stuff and he has a good heart and a lot of love for his friends, sister, brother, and his parents. The last thing I'd like to say about Charlie is that I have respect for him. I know I didn't get to deep about the book but I'm kinda tired it's 4:19 in the morning and the smell is making me dizzy and lightheaded. I also just saw another ExtenZe commercial so... Yeah I'm leaving. PEACE OUT!!!