Thursday, April 14, 2011

Library Card

Haha, yes! I finally got one and I'm excited about it! I love having a library card again it's so cool the way things work now, I already got a couple things. I got four movies: Death at a Funeral, Scary Movie 4, Paranormal Actvity 2, and Resident Evil Afterlife. I got some books too don't worry I got: Beastly by: Alex Finn, Uglies by: Scott Westerfeld, and Wintergirls by: Laurie Halse Anderson. So I'll be pretty busy with all that, I seriously swear that I'm a kid in a candy store when it comes to books. There's this scanner thing for the cards to look for movies and games and stuff and you scan your card to get your movies out and to check out your books. I could not get the stupid thing to scan my card! Then Michele came over and did no problem, twice... So I was like well great I feel brilliant, Albert Eeinstein is in the building, not. Anyway after like 5 minutes of standing there trying to get this thing to like me and scan my card, I did it! Booyah I'm awesome. I'm gonna be here a lot more with Hana cause now we both have a card and maybe I can rub off on her and get her to read a little bit more. It'll be hard work but nothing is impossibe. I'm gonna go and read my books, watch my movies, and listen to my music...and do my homework. Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Alyssa!! You just need to be more patient with the scanner! I promise it works! I had a great time looking for books today. I didn't have class this afternoon so I came home and read Uglies. I'm already to part two. I love it.. you have to hurry and read it so we can talk about it!!!
